About us
We are a family-owned business with over 40 years of experience in the production of various metal products. We process all types of sheet metal and wires and combine them to meet the needs of our customers. Our guiding principle is satisfied customers, and their satisfaction is confirmed by high ratings in the annual supplier evaluation.
Smo družinsko podjetje z več kot 40-letno tradicijo v izdelavi raznovrstnih kovinskih izdelkov. Predelujemo vse vrste pločevine in žice in jih glede na potrebe kupcev kombiniramo med sabo.
Naše vodilo so zadovoljni kupci, njihovo zadovoljstvo pa potrjujejo dobre ocene pri letnem ocenjevanju dobaviteljev.
Podjetje Koščak sestoji iz 10 zaposlenih, pri čemer je morda (glede na panogo) malce nenavadno, da več kot polovico ekipe sestavljajo predstavnice nežnejšega spola. Vsak izmed zaposlenih je pomemben člen našega podjetja, saj s svojim znanjem, spretnostmi in veseljem do dela pripomore k uspešnemu razvoju celotnega podjetja.
Smo majhen, a pomemben dobavitelj za naše kupce. Kupcem pomagamo že v razvojni fazi novih izdelkov, tako da je kasneje serijska izdelava kar se da optimalna.
“The company Koščak has 10 employees, and it is unusual (in our industry) that more than half of the team is female. Each of our employees is an important part of our company because their knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for their jobs contribute to the overall success of the company.”
Peter Koščak, Director
Family story
The company KLJUČAVNIČARSTVO Koščak Marko s.p. was founded in 1982 by Marko Koščak, who started manufacturing fuel oil tanks. Over time, he transitioned to the production of metal products on presses, which he expanded and developed.
Marko, Jr., his older son, took over quality, production, and technology management in 2000.
In 2010, the company was renamed KOŠČAK ŠENTRUPERT d.o.o., and the younger son Peter joined the company. Since then, brothers Marko and Peter have been constantly developing and expanding the company.
Solar power plant
A novelty in 2023 is a solar power plant installed on the roof of the company. We help to reduce the carbon footprint and ensure sustainability by producing green energy.
Market presence
Our products meet the most advanced European countries’ standards. We are present in Sweden, Estonia, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Poland … Our products are shipped to customers all over the world.